When the Waikawa Beach Community Committee first met on the 17th of July 2022 several action points were made and reported in the minutes. It seems timely to report on the follow up to these as below.
Action points from the Waikawa Beach Community Committee initial meeting
Action Point: Minutes / information to community so they are informed that action is being taken, although it may take some time and the need for the community to be patient while we work towards a long-term solution.
- Minutes from meeting have been circulated to those who have left their names with Debra Betts as being interested in being kept informed
- Minutes forwarded to the Waikawa Beach Ratepayers Association (WBRA)
- Minutes placed on the WBRA website
Action Point: Follow through with Arthur Nelson and Craig Kidd about progress on the current access, to highlight that white baiting season will soon be here and concerns that without vehicle access people will make their way to the beach through illegal pathways.
- Beach access through the end of Manga Pirau St was restored by the council
- A local working bee used wood from the beach to attempt to stabilise this access
- On the 13th September access was once again compromised due to weather events- members of the community took action to firstly block access as a safety measure and then restore access with the working bee.
Action Point: Consultation with Carl Gibson to arrange a suitable time to discuss his ideas.
- A meeting was held with Carl Gibson on the 24th of July and minutes from this sent out as detailed above
Action Point: Follow up with appropriate people on septic tank issues.
- On the 25th of July a phone call was made to Horizons council to enquire about the possibility of an emergency river cut due to the high-water table causing issues with people’s septic tanks. This enquiry was referred back to Horowhenua council. A letter outlining the issues was sent to the Mayor – Bernie Wanden, along with a letter from a community member detailing the issues they were facing.
- This resulted in a meeting with representatives from Horizons and Horowhenua council to discuss both this issue and the council report on vehicle beach access options.
- This meeting was held on the 7th of September at the Manga Pirau St beach entrance with: Monique Davidson, CEO of Horowhenua council, Arthur Nelson, Council’s Parks and Property Manager and Stefan Titze, Parks and Property Project Lead from Horowhenua council, John Foxall and John Royard from Horizons Regional Council and Sophie Campbell and Debra Betts from the Waikawa Beach Community Committee. Lydia Mackie was present on the beach at the time and joined the meeting.
- It was discussed that it was uncertain that cutting the river would lower the water table in this area or assist those with septic tank issues
- It was also discussed that emergency river cuts for septic tank issues are not a viable option for the council at present
- It was mentioned that there had been follow through from council to deal with individuals who had issues with their septic tanks
- There was a verbal commitment from Horizons Regional Council to investigate with their scientific advisors if the issues of the high-water table would be assisted by regular cutting of the river.
- These findings would be reported back to the CEO of the Horowhenua council
Action Point: Contact to be made with the CEO of The Horowhenua council to seek more information about the council report on vehicle beach access options.
- Enquiries were made to the CEO about the publication of this report
- A meeting held on the 7th of September at the Manga Pirau St beach entrance in relationship to the action point above
- There was a verbal consent from Monique Davidson, CEO of Horowhenua council that before any council report on vehicle beach access options was published there would be consultation with us as a community.
- Any community consultation would not occur until after the local council elections – (voting closes midday Saturday 8th of October).
Date for next committee meeting yet to be confirmed
Prepared by: Debra Betts Date 16/09/2022