Carolyn Copeland, Roading Projects Team Leader responded to an email from a resident, that asked for:
a bike stand at the Reay Mackay end of Waikawa Beach. This request comes in the wake of your authorising a stand for the village end, which is a great addition, and in the hope that the other end of the community, some 4km away, might also have a stand provided. There are many more houses here now, including both permanent dwellers and weekenders.
Even a 2–4 bike capacity rack that cyclists could use and secure bikes to would be an asset in the area, and might encourage greater use of bikes and less reliance on cars and quad bikes.
Carolyn replied:
I am all about supporting walking and cycling as much as we can
I am happy to inform you that we will be installing more bike stands in Waikawa Beach
There will be some installed with the new amenities block at Hank Edwards
We will also be installing an additional rack near the locations shown in the attached drawing [above]
I do not have specific timeframes as there are significant delays with supplies at the moment
However they will be installed this financial year, so before the end of June 2023