A few brief points of interest from the full Beach Access Working Group Meeting Minutes 17 July 2022 on Facebook:
- At the last meeting several members were tasked with finding out more information from council and others.
- … current beach access. Stormy weather last week prevented this work, but it will proceed once weather has settled.
- John Foxall of Horizons regarding the groyne cut. He noted that they cannot do any further work without Iwi consultation and that Iwi are currently very busy and it is difficult to get time with them.
- Carl Gibson, who has extensive skills in earthworks and local knowledge of the river and what would be necessary to divert it. He noted that previous cuts were ineffective and has agreed to come talk to the group about what he believes is required.
- The council’s report on vehicle beach access options for Waikawa beach (due on November 30th [2022]) was discussed. It agreed that while waiting for this report, the community need to ensure that we abide by current council regulations and that any short-term independent actions around beach access may be detrimental to our ability to work with the council towards long term solutions.