Re: Recent query regarding new vehicle access to Waikawa Beach
Thank you for your e-mail of 23 June 2022 and your patience in the matter. Council is fully aware of the competing views around vehicular access to the beach in the community of Waikawa.
In response to your specific questions I would like to respond to your third bullet point first –
1) Council would be committed to providing opportunities for all of the community to comment on any proposals put forward in relation to vehicular access to the beach. There are very few situations where Council would impose a unilateral solution to a community concern. Council’s philosophy is to empower local communities to debate solutions to community issues by way of achieving optimum outcomes.
2) In terms of your second bullet point therefore Council would consider the favoured option of the community whether it was one of the five options outlined in the ‘WBRA Long-Term Beach Access Strategy’, or another option that might come to light via the consultation process. It is important to say at this point that the proactive approach of the WBPRA in the community to this and other matters (including the toilet renewal at Hank Edwards Reserve) is of significant benefit to Council’s decision making process, and ultimately to the community as it generates mutual understanding and community buy-in.
3) In terms of your first bullet point, the project is referred to as a new vehicle access purely and simply by way of identifying it as a project that will potentially involve the creation of a new (likely surfaced) track. However, to be explicit there is no developed proposal, and there will be no confirmed proposal until the community has been consulted with, and decided on an option moving forward. Any such option would be put to Council as an Open Agenda item and as such would be available for comment from Members of the Public. Until this point is reached the 300k identified is a place-holder only.
4) The figure of 300k is a rough estimate for works but will no doubt change should the project go ahead following the process outlined in 1–3 above.
It is also important to confirm that any work that may be undertaken to facilitate access to the beach (if supported by the community) would be subject to gaining a resource consent from Horizons Regional Council. Any such consent is likely to require public notification which would provide another opportunity for residents to make representation in favour of, or against any proposal. Should you seek further information on this I’d suggest you speak to the consenting division of Horizon’s Regional Council.
Once again I would thank you for your interest in this matter and please contact Arthur Nelson the Parks and Property Manager here at Council should you have any further queries.Thanks, Monique
Monique Davidson
Chief Executive | Kaiwhakahaere MatuaWaea Mahi | (06) 366 0999
126 Oxford Street, Levin
Private Bag 4002, Levin 5540