From the Waka Kotahi newsletter, April 2022:
During May, we’ll be holding a number of drop-in sessions to share more information about the new highway and what is next for the project.
… we’ve been working with landowners, community groups, key stakeholders and Councils to continue the technical investigations to identify the preferred alignment of the new highway.
From this mahi we have developed preliminary concept designs for the new highway …
We’d like to hear feedback from you…
Feedback will be open until Thursday 26 May, 2022.
Drop-in sessions include:
Manakau School, 9 Mokena Kohere St, Manakau, Saturday 14 May 1pm to 4pm.
To give everyone an opportunity to hear more about the Ō2NL new highway project we will also be hosting an online meeting with our project team, via Zoom.
This is a chance for you to ask questions in a virtual environment if you’re unable to attend our in-person sessions.
Wednesday 11 May, 2022, 7pm–8pm
Registration is required for this event. Please click this link to register your name and email address and you will recieve a confirmation email with details of how to join the online meeting.
See the April 2022 brochure (1.4MB PDF) .
One interesting (and horrifying) excerpt from the brochure (my emphasis):
In the last five years 72 people have been killed or seriously injured in crashes along the existing SH1 and SH57 in the region, making it one of the country’s most dangerous sections of road to drive.