It’s been so long, waiting for the new Expressway to open, but finally, as of 31 March 2022, it’s open to the public.
Update 31 March 2022: Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency say:
The new motorway has been gifted the name Te Ara Nui o Te Rangihaeata (the great path of Te Rangihaeata) by Ngāti Toa. It references the journey taken by Ngāti Toa Chief Te Rangihaeata after the final stand-off between Te Rangihaeata and Crown forces at Battle Hill, before Te Rangihaeata retreated to Poroutawhao in the Horowhenua.
Kelly Fox says on the incredibly useful Traffic Updates - Horowhenua Kapiti Wellington Facebook Page:
2 big important things identified so far:
1 - You gotta have your wits about you at that southbound Kenepuru/ Linden merge. I drove this earlier this morning, looking out and prepared for the 4 lanes down to 3, but was totally caught out doing the 3 lanes down to 2 immediately after that. Glad the shoulder is wide enough! It really freaked me out and we were only going around 60kmph too!
And 2 - please leave a lot of room for our truckies to move (especially when going downhill or overtaking them and cutting back infront). Remember to leave your standard 20m between your back bumper and the truck when you pull back in so they can manoevre this new road and slow down in time
Update: Traffic Cams if you want to check the roads between Ōtaki and Wellington for yourself.