According to the latest Waka Kotahi newsletter:
SH1 South of Levin
Chip sealing work for the SH1 safety improvements at Kuku is now complete. Thank you for your patience during this construction period which has been delayed by weather, Covid–19 and the holiday shutdown.
Contractors will be back on-site on 27 March to install safe-hit posts (flexible marker posts) and rumble strips (audible tactile profiles). This work will be undertaken over three nights.
This will complete the current improvements at Kuku. Later this year, we will install side barriers and improve driveway accesses in the area, as part of the wider SH1 south of Levin safety improvements project.
80km/h speed limit at Kuku
When the current safety improvement work at Kuku is completed, an 80km/h speed limit will be in place between the existing 80km/h zones at Manakau and Ohau.
This will be in place for the remainder of the year, as our review of permanent speed limits from Ōtaki to Levin is completed. Following community engagement last year and further technical work, formal consultation on proposed speed limits will begin in the coming weeks.