This article on Stuff drew my attention today (24 March 2022): The tide has turned: price falls in suburbs nationwide.
I looked up Waikawa Beach, of course, at Mapping the Market – March 2022 to find that perhaps our median house price has increased in the last 3 months:
$783,950 is the current median value of Waikawa Beach.
That’s especially interesting in light of the fact there are currently a dozen properties on the market that don’t seem to be selling at all.
On thinking about it though, Waikawa Beach is a very small settlement, so it could be that a couple of high-priced (million dollar +) sales may skew the numbers.

Compare the latest median house price with this item from January — Waikawa Beach median house value below $800,000:
Waikawa Beach, Kāpiti Coast – $756,350
That’s an increase of around $27,600.