Toilet block demo Day Two

Concrete walls with no roof beside a pile of rubble.

By the end of Day Two of the Hank Edwards Reserve toilet block demolition and rebuild things were looking pretty bare. The women’s block now has no roof and most of the interior has been gutted. Concrete around the buildings has been torn up, to allow for a new accessible set of ramps.

Rubble and building remains from the south side.
Rubble and building remains from the south side.
A thick slab of concrete amongst other rubble.
A thick slab of concrete amongst other rubble.
Concrete rubbble and old roofing iron from the women's block.
Concrete rubbble and old roofing iron from the women's block.
The women's block has no roof.
The women's block has no roof.
Some roofing iron seen through the door into the women's block.
Some roofing iron seen through the door into the women's block.
Remains of the women's block.
Remains of the women's block.
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