Each week over summer LAWA tests the water at the footbridge for E. Coli and publishes the results a few days later. This year results have been poor. According to the Traffic Lights System we have seen 10 Red, 9 Orange and only 7 Green as at 27 April 2022. That concludes this season's monitoring.

Update 25 March 2022: for the first time in almost 2 months we have a "green" result, and the lowest of the season: 85. (Bested on 05 April with 52.)
Last year's results
Overall between 02 November 2020 and 30 April 2021: 15 green, 6 orange and 4 red. More than half the time the river has fallen into the green
category. This is an improvement over previous years.
This year's results
Overall between 02 November 2021 and 30 April 2022: 7 green, 9 orange and 10 red. About 1/4 of the time the river has fallen into the green
category. This is worse than previous years.
See also: E. Coli monitoring.