Last year I contacted Horowhenua District Council and asked if we could have a bike stand at Waikawa Beach by the footbridge. The request was sparked by two things: one day I saw a heap of bikes leaning against the rail by the footbridge. Only one was locked.
I know from personal experience that it’s not very easy to lock a bike to the broad rails on that fence.
Then one day I spotted a handwritten note on the noticeboard about a bike that had been stolen from that exact spot.

My contact at HDC, Carolyn Copeland, Roading Projects Team Leader, not only agreed to supply a bike stand near the footbridge, but suggested another be installed near the toilet block when the renovation is done there in 2022. She hoped to have the stand in place by Christmas.
Alas, worldwide shortages and supply chain delays have affected the bike stands too. When I checked today on progress Carolyn replied:
The update we had from the supplier in January was that they were expecting supplies within 3–4 months
There is a big delay on steel at the moment….
We have not forgotten and I will be in touch when we get a delivery date
One day we will get some bike stands…