The toilet block at Hank Edwards Reserve was built in the 1960s or 70s and is more than showing its age. While it’s a step up from no public toilets at all, it’s pretty awful to use, smelly, with endlessly leaking or overflowing toilets and with rusting and crumbling parts.
After a lot of preparatory work and consultation Horowhenua District Council have let a contract for the toilet block to be overhauled and modernised.
Stephan Titze, Parks and Property Project Lead, has advised:
The contract for the toilet upgrade has been awarded and Lee Builders from Palmerston North will start with the rehabilitation work by mid - end March. The construction will start with the demolition of the male toilet block which means from mid- March 2022 onwards the toilets as such will no longer be accessible for the public. However, as discussed and agreed I have allowed for the provision of two portable toilets for the time being. the current material shortage has an impact on this development (later start) and will most likely have also it’s impact in later stage. However for now we can’t say how big the impact will be.
Before too long we should have a clean, safe, fully-functional building with two accessible toilets, a changing room, two outdoor showers and even water fountains for dogs. There will also be a covered area with picnic tables and an electric BBQ.
While the toilet block is out of action there will be two Portaloos available for public use. They will be cleaned regularly by Council contractors.
Below are drawings which will also soon be posted on the noticeboard.
Note: we’ve clarified that although a big green water tank appears in the drawings there will not be a tank but simply a small water connection.

Things I’ve learned from attending meetings about the toilet block:
- A lot of work goes into design that protects everything from vandalism and graffiti.
- Design incorporates features so no one could climb on the roof and look into the cubicles.
- If you add features such as solar panels or hot-water systems those items are likely to be stolen.