PhotoFest Setup

A summer p h o t o g r a p h y event for all of us

Grab your mobile phone or other camera and join in!

Take a photo that celebrates Waikawa Beach

Email the photo to by 23 November

Join in the treasure hunt to find all the photos that have been printed

Wow Waikawa! photo event for all

Wow Waikawa! is an event where you take photos that celebrate the delights of Waikawa Beach. (Check the couple of rules below.)

We ran a free 1-hour workshop with tips and techniques for getting your mobile phone photos to look more like you expected.

Email the photos to before 23 November 2021 with your name and a statement that it’s your own work and you give us permission to use it for the Wow Waikawa! event.

Please: send us the biggest and best quality version of the photo. If your email software gives you a choice to make the photo smaller don’t do that. We’ll need the best quality possible if we decide to print your photo. Our selections will be secret though so we won’t get back to you to ask for a better copy.

This isn’t an art competition! Selectors will choose photos based not on artistic merit but on factors like delight, variety, fun, and celebrating Waikawa Beach.

Some photos will be printed and displayed around Waikawa Beach over Christmas when Waikawa Beach is at its busiest. Some will be in obvious places others in more hidden public spots to be discovered with delight. Join the treasure hunt to find all the photos.

Wow Waikawa! rules

  1. Keep the photos family-friendly.
  2. Don’t feature identifiable people or pets. We don’t want to have to get signed permissions from people to allow us to use photos of them or their pets. See examples of what’s OK below.
  3. Photos must have been taken at Waikawa Beach (any time). For this event we define Waikawa Beach as being the area reached after turning off State Highway 1 at Manakau.
  4. You must have the right to send in the photo β€” it must be your own work. When you send it in you’re giving us permission to exhibit it on the web and in print.
  5. Selectors decision is final. There are no prizes, but selected photos will be printed and displayed in public. After the event photos will be added to the Wow Waikawa! website β€” if you’d like your name attached let us know.


πŸ‘Ž Nope: this beach photo shows clearly identifiable people so isn’t OK for our event.

Not suitable photo shows clearly identifiable people.

πŸ‘ Yup: this beach photo has people in it but you can't identify them so it's OK.

Suitable photo doesn't show people clearly.
Waikawa News @WaikawaNews