PhotoFest Game

Photo map partial.

This page has information about the PhotoFest game and Clue Sheets.

Spot the Wow Waikawa! photos

Map shows geographical area covered.

Grab a Clue Sheet and spot all 30 photos

Clue Sheets are at Awa Pukapuka and on this website or email and ask for one. See below for the clue sheets.

  • All photos are within the area of the map above.
  • Some are simple to find.
  • Others need a bit of sleuthing.
  • Some are big; some are small.
  • Look at the photos but don’t touch.
  • Note down what’s in the photo, its number, and where it is.

Have fun!

This event created by Miraz Jordan & Charlie Strivens is supported by the Horowhenua District Council Creative Communities Scheme.

Wow Waikawa! Clue Sheet A

Can you solve the riddles to spot the photos? When you find a photo make a sketch, or take a photo, or write something about what's in the photo and where it is. Sheet A and Sheet B (available later) have different riddles for the same photos. Clue Sheet A to print at home (4 MB PDF).

Photo Description Location
003   To see te motu take Sarah north, turn towards the bridge then look right.
009 Slicing through the circles.  
014 Pure gold.  
017   You can't miss Mavis's buoys.
021   Find a hidden playground where you can swing free.
022   There's Christmas red just under the light at the end of the road.
026   If you're travelling in te waka you may need provisions. Beware the mud.
027 Moo!  
029   Ahhh, what better place to view ngā whetū from than on the water? Fiery!
033   From the shelter of the tree look east to see a shadowy figure cross the water into the light
034 It's a blue and yellow kind of day.  
047   Go north before you cross over then look down to your left
050 Clip clop.  
051   Don't go too fast over the bump…
054   Which Grove?
057 That's a bit fishy!  
058 Any oysters round here?  
060 Which way up?  
061   Look under the tree, between the fences, on the berm. Get Duncan (aged 11) to help.
073   This hidden bench is a lovely place to read by te awa. Thank Graham Kennedy Hassell.
078 Not a hedgehog.  
081 Walk this way.  
082 Nothing like a cuppa and some fresh air.  
083   Arthur, you say?
085 Just chilling.  
086   You wouldn't want anyone peeking in around here.
087   What goes around comes around.
089 At the going down of the sun…  
091   Here's one way to te moana. Feet allowed but no wheels!
096   Some bushwhacking may be required. Not so much if you start at the rocks instead of the Street.
100 Holding the line.  
117 Jump for joy when you find this.  

Wow Waikawa! Clue Sheet B

Can you solve the riddles to spot the photos? When you find a photo make a sketch, or take a photo, or write something about what's in the photo and where it is. Sheet A and Sheet B have different riddles for the same photos. Clue Sheet B to print at home (2 MB PDF)

Note: sadly, photos 47 and 54 have disappeared.

Photo Description Location
003 Pretty in pastel.  
009   Where water and yellow are close, here are ngā kurī hiding.
014   In the East, not too far from where Sarah met the sand dune, you may find golden taonga.
017 Yakkety yak.  
021 In the pink.  
022 Oh kiwi Christmas Tree.  
026 All natural!  
027   It all starts near here, as you may notice, even if it's dark.
029 Dotty!  
033 Out of the shadows.  
034   There's a quacking good view across paddocks to the river from here — if you can see over the fence, that is!
047 Splish splosh.  
050   It's all so new around here! Half way between the tracks to te moana look west.
051 Don't cross the divide.  
054 Where did Santa go?  
057   This skeleton is colourfully lit, in the dark of the evening. Santa may spot it.
058   It's green, but it's not kai for ngā hōiho!
060   Sit here for kai and to reflect while you look up river. 
061 It's not easy being green.  
073 No trespassing.  
078   There's blue on the green near the fluffy white sheep. 
081   Where two roads meet and ducks paddle beware the big waves. Look behind!
082   You'll most easily see this if you cross te awa, go south a bit, then look low and east.
083 Who's that at my door?  
085   Cathryn might have got a letter.
086 Whatcha doing?  
087 Take a seat.  
089   Find the pippi and look across the road by the paddock, by the tree, by the powerpole.
091 My, what long legs you have!  
096 My beach hideaway.  
100   Fires? No way!
117   You can be relieved and jump for joy here!
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